Monday, June 27, 2005

It's just passed 6pm and I think I've already had quite the fulfilling day.

- I ate a hearty Indian lunch of puri and kheema with Yas at my place.
- I have in my possession a new handbag, courtesy of Yas.
- I read, and am still in the process of reading an amazing piece of literature, that for many reasons I am totally connecting with (The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri).
- I watched one of most inspirational and thought provoking movies of this age (The Breakfast Club) and thus, finally understand why a movie starring Emilio Estevez can actually be deemed good, let alone brilliant.
- I laid in bed, with the curtains drawn and the ludicrously bright Singapore sun on my skin and the scent of my newly shampooed hair surrounding me and I dozed off and dreamt of nothing after ages of dreaming of anything and everything.
- I sipped warm sweet tea while watching the last episode of one of the many seasons of Buffy and reminisced the days when I would stay up late and plan my dinner, studying and late-night phone calls around the show.

I still have a night of sitcoms, Desperate Housewives, Mr Perfect's call, and more reading to look forward to before a day in town with Pinky tomorrow.

The week's looking mighty fine.


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